Why I love Labradors:

I love Labrador Retrievers for a few fundamental reasons. The most encompassing reason is the fact that Labradors are dogs, and dogs love their "person" more than they love themselves. There isn't one day that goes by where my Labrador Lee isn't beside himself to see me walk in the door, or wag his tail and cuddle up next to me each morning I wake up. The next reason is the absolutely astounding intelligence that Labradors exhibit. Labradors are considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds second to none other than the Border Collie. My Labrador lee learned how to duck retrieve when he was only 10 weeks old, by the time he was 12 weeks he could execute up to a 5 duck retrieve which for hunters is an impressive feat. Beyond hunting, Lee tells you vocally that he has to use the bathroom, when hes hungry, or when he wants to play. Finally, Labradors are probably the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. Lee is great with children; loves every member of my family, friends, and anybody willing to give him an ear rub. Lee will go out of his way to say hello to everyone, including dogs. Lee came into my life when I needed him most. I had been in a horrible car crash and he really helped me stay stable emotionally. You just can't beat owning a Labrador.

How I got into owning a Labrador:

I decided I wanted a Labrador when I was about 8 years old. I used to have Labrador themed calender's, pens, and pictures of labs hanging in my bedroom. Finally when I was 20 years old I finally got my lab. I decided to name him Lee, and he has been my best friend ever since.

Favorite memory/what I am most proud of:

The day I went to pick up my Labrador Lee from the breeder, he jumped off the porch at the breeder's house, and ran up to me to say hello. Out of all 11 of the puppies sitting on the porch just sat there and watched. It was as if Lee knew I was there to take him home. Then the whole way home he just slept in my lap and didn't pipe up once, even though I had just taken him away from his birth mother, and the family who had cared for him since his birth.. Talk about an instant connection.

My 5 tips for beginners:

Find a breed of dog you love and latch on. Regardless of the breed, research them, visit a breeder or shelter and learn as much as you can before taking your new best friend home. Read as much as you can about training your new dog, and really put some effort into it. It will really make a huge difference in how much you enjoy each other.

Video suggestions:

To get started I recommend these: